I woke to a clan of fanged vampires

Dripping with fresh blood from their gory sets of 32

Entrails shred in frenzy

The carcass an ailing heifer,

What a clan of illiterate literates

Sighted blind

Soulless beings

Heartless creatures

How can they know shame?

Lost in servile obedience to their macabre cravings

They descend with glee to the market place

Where alas a princess has disemboweled herself

Town-criers hoarse from shouting from the rooftops

Stampede in full show, hands, nostrils and eyes soaked

While she lives still, the heifer

And her failing voice audible to the ‘heartful’ bystander

What am I to do?

Should I go back to sleep and continue to dream?

Or am I actually seeing it happen and to sleep I should refuge seek

What is what?

It is here as it is everywhere, the creatures that fill the earth have a lust for gore, for scandal, for blood

Some say the wise provide it and reap of it its fruits

Soiled in fetid effluents, blood and serum and phlegm and saliva

But that is what they, we relish


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